Friday, January 31, 2020


This black sky is deep and
callous, light-years back into
space. Any stars are just stars.
What flies by is space debris,
any moving thing I see.
Why have we made these
mountains, I wonder, just so
we can shave them? Deeper
velvet than this never happens.


'This President is surely dead!'
the headline read. I replied in
a broad scrawled hand, 'Only the
living know the dead!' Meaning,
take heed, think forward, stay
positive, forge on. Never really
knowing what it meant, I stole
my friend's Ducati and rode off.
I don't think he ever noticed.

12,520. RUDIMENTS, pt. 949

RUDIMENTS, pt. 949
(no Paradise involved)
Every so often I about just
give it up. Like now. Going
back to Elmira where it seems,
at least, like a more sensible
place and I don't need to keep
up with the sub-par Joneses,
as it goes. Mad dukes and
all those Ferdinands. There's
a place there, calling me.
Now, I mentioned to tell you how
nothing exists, and I intend to do
so. If I was a cigar-smoking man,
about now I'd light up one of
those long-burning, expensive
ones, to tide me over for the
onslaught. All the days I poked
around in NYC, I spent a lot of
lost moments looking for things
like answers. Some of them were
church kinds of things. Funniest
item in the world is how, in most
parts of the center sections of the
city, and Philadelphia too, now to
mention it, there are churches and
church edifices every 1500 feet, it
seems  -  along the broad avenues,
clustered and regal, high, soaring,
impressive. Even Elmira, at its
old city center, was a fort of
churches. Denominations and
anti-slavery places, where the
great northern Abolitionists
preached and fomented their
sedition and civic unrest, in a
manner you'd never get away
with today  -  Homeland Security,
due to insecurity, would have
you in a snatch, and, probably
if you were a woman, they'd
have your snatch too, and get
away with it in the name of
National Security. It's funny
now how we allowed that sort of
totalitarian-type control to seep in
and not even be thought about.
I think that's called 'insidious' or
'invidious,' or one of those, close.
The whole idea of these churches,
however, was display; not much
else but pride actually. There was
no tie-in to the story line of birth
or creation or well-being of the
spiritual kind. The key object was
money; was showing off, was
comparing your own status
against those of others. In a
place like a congregated and
mercantile city, as well, the
usefulness of all that garment
and materialism shopping was
in having it out on the display-day
Sundays, when one or more of
your household servants and
dressers would put it out for
you and maybe even help you
adorn yourself in it. That was
the extent of church and religion,
and don't tell Papa. If any of
it was highbrow it was the
lowest form of highbrow then
known to man.
The concept of 'God' and 'Deity,'
although it got a broad billing,
was actually far behind the rest of
all this and was granted a lip-service
at best. There was, and probably
still is, a curious vein of America
life equating good-fortunes, riches,
and business success with a proper
form of righteous divinity. If
you were 'no good,' it was thought,
your efforts and appearances in
turn would reflect your position as
a non-elect. As time went on, all
that ever occurred was the deepening
and enrichening of the God and
origination stories.  In so many
respects, that embellishment was
really the only reality these stories
had. You see, as it all went along,
everything was translated downward
into the situation of 'God' operating
in purely human ways and with
purely human motivations  -  as
if this Earth-tending was the one
and all-consuming task of the
Deus guy. Here's the rub:
not true.
Mankind has been called the
Crown of Creation. Not sure why,
no, but  -  still got that cigar?  -
it has been. Granted, we make
pretty good bombs and guns, know
how to split hairs and fight over
borders, maintain ideologies, and
destroy the Earth. But apparently
none of that counts for anything,
certainly not as anything detrimental
to the Human cause. Yet. God
would have known all this, or
should have, by our designs of
Him anyway. BUT, a true God
would really need none of this;
not evidences, not tangibles,
not sequences, not any this-for-
that stuff. Embroiling all Creation
in a 'ONE,' and a cosmic 'One'
to be sure, all this God would
have had to do  -  and it would
probably have taken maybe 10
minutes of God-time  -  was to
make a 'Human' format being
with the capability built-in to
accept everything. Causation.
A perennial offshoot of the
controlling acceptance of every
new and latest contingency as
it arose. Every form of Godness
and origination, and thus all
the religions and inflammatory
aspects of same, the ideas of
things like box, shoes, logic,
trees, steel and water. If I told
you that backwards was forwards
and water was round and fire was
cold and hollow was solid, and
if I did it all blessedly enough,
it would be believed and taken
up, purely by the factor of the
Human aspect of reciprocation
and validation. The psychology
of Life is based on the shared
and inter-personal assumptions
of billions of people at any one
time and  -  if this 'God' figure
was wise, which is sui generis
to the thing itself, It would have
known all this; needing to do
not a darned thing after the one
point A of input origination.
We were given all we'd ever
need to much things up. There
was no Paradise involved, nor
any reality either. Just make a
'Human' that believes all that.
So, anyway, it was a slow drive
and a short trip for me to enter
the halls of craziness. I did it on 
the Bowery. There had been a fight, 
and a man was there, lying on the
sidewalk, atop much broken-bottle
glass, and blood; I figured 'his' blood.
Short of alcohol, it's usually blood
that seeped from these guys, wounded
or in any other kind of in-extremis
scene. No one did a thing, not
even stopping. I just stood there.
Crying. I had become overwhelmed
and confused by everything, and I
truly felt something inside my
head snap. What that snap may
have been, it's never returned to
set me back a'right. It was a
damage, to be sure, but a damage, 
as I saw it, in the right direction,
and a direction away from all this
human bullshit I'd been attempting
to deal with. That was my last foray
into marketable reality.
(Next: All that wasn't there).


Sliding my fingers into new gloves,
the soft kind with rabbit-fur, that
used to be such a frilly thing to do.
I haven't done that for 30 years now,
since that particular work-era's been
over. Sensations pale with all that
stuff : wearing a Winter scarf, along
with those gloves, and a gentlemanly
adult long-coat. Why?
Stocks and bonds guys went like that
everywhere, everyday. Riding their
seamless trains with aplomb, fussing
mightily over their shirts and ties.
Did you ever see how many shoe
stores there are in the financial 
district? Tie stores as well. I
never even understood what
a 'wingtip' was.
Weighty loss. Character of flight.
Haberdasher metronome, all those
coats and ties. The clanging sound of
Earthly fashion, pealing for nothing
but concealing a passion. No one
knows what they're really doing.


I've always taken care with the
little things I've handled and mostly
let the big things slide. Figuring they
were expansive enough as it was to
take care of themselves. Concepts
and derivations alike. Not that
there's any motivation for me
to do either. Each foot in a
different world?
I can't slice tomatoes, and I've
never cooked a thing. I'd rather 
starve than eat, given to choice,
of course, by necessity only. I've
never been a refugee, so I've never
faced that point.
Once, I heard of rumors  -  old and
fading things, like 'Moxie' when it was
a drink, back then, with Coke and
Pepsi. Mello-Rolls once; same deal.
Tumbleweeds; Depression shacks;
Ricketts and starving horses. I've
had a fortunate life, I suppose.

12,517. RUDIMENTS, pt. 948

RUDIMENTS, pt. 948
(coming down easy, lord god almighty)
You know how someone
always wants you to level
with them? I quit caring at
about 7:15. There are always
too many variables, and no
way of ever knowing for
sure that you've got your
point across. It's just, after
that point, a deep, chancy,
hole. That was most often
the kind of gray area I
always lived in, even when
little (young). Some say
'Libra'  -  you're all like
that; others say, 'You're
too sensitive.' Who knows
what about any of that?
My eyesight has always
been different  -  I can see
all those burn marks and
nicks and things that others
miss. It's not always fun.
This morning I was standing
under a line of fir trees, which
were slightly blowing in the
wind. At one level, the usual
swooshy noise that fir trees
make was going on, and then,
at another level, with the wind,
there were groans and creaks
and almost song-line music
sounds also emanating.
And....I got to thinking. I
began wondering about this
entire Creator/Creation thing.
Doing ONE thing at a time,
I'd imagine, didn't exist in
this God's kingdom or things
by fiat. Perhaps it was all-at-
once? Or just outside of time
and any considerations of it?
BUT, how much of this did or
would this Creator have known?
Take the fir trees, as an example.
Would Creator X have known
of the wind, and the swoosh;
probably, yes? Or just the trees?
In addition, would Creator X
have also know that, in addition
to the swoosh and wind, there
was another entire level of
interactive 'music' that was to
be achieved? Would Creator
X have tried all these sounds
out; to know that, instead of
music some vile strings of
curse words would not
emanate instead? That the
rubbing branches would not
burst into flames? How much
of this was concept? How much
was conjecture, if 'God' even
does conjecture? Anyway,
the wind (that same wind?
Or does sequential time divide
things up so there are always
'different' winds?) was blowing.
It was nice moment and then
I hear some lady screaming.
I'm at the river-bend, Raritan,
and just off a ways there's a
dog park. She's screaming,
'You pushed me! You assaulted
me!' Way out of control, I
could tell, instantly. A guy
had come in with his 2 dogs,
the lady's dog got a bit aggressive
over the new entries, (they were
all 'small' dogs), the guy had
gotten pissed off, swept the
ladies little dog up and quite
nearly threw it at her, during
which time it did come off as
him pushing the dog into her
chest. He then 'ordered' her
and her dog to get out! It was
not developing very well, and,
in the interim, another lady in
the large dog park starts yelling,
'I called 911!!' The doom bells
began ringing. The guy's freaking
out; two cop cars swiftly arrive.
I knew nothing, and had seen
nothing; did not wish to be
questioned, implicated, or
pointed out as a witness. 'The
hairy guy saw it, the bum was
a witness.' The bum was not.
The big scene took ten minutes,
the people were separated, some
sort of a review was written,
and I kept on walking.
When each of us had arisen
that morning, was this already
in our cards? Or was this a
chance meet and a chance
happening? Was Creator X
here aware of this small plight?
How free is free, how wrong is
wrong, and how right is right?
Sometimes I think there are
too many songs playing at once 
for there to be any music at all.
Was that figured in too?
I guess I'd have to say I've always
been touchy about time. Like, as I
opened this chapter, I said it was
7:15 or something. Right now it's
1:04. That's already into the next
day. I kind of hate sleep, except
for the dream quotient parts of it,
which I always enjoy, read into
carefully, and try never to get out
of. Reverse-step backwards. I
like it there. It was always my goal
to stay up right through as many
nights as I could  -  I mean, cleanly.
No drugs or amphetamines. That's
just BS cheating. I liked it straight
and natural, and I got it done any
number of times. 2 days was about
my limit, then everything got hazy,
groggy, and I began losing interest.
Which is a bad sign for a writer-type.
Missing too much of what's around
you can be deadly. It's important to
be on full-alert. What starts happening,
to drunks and addicts, I've noticed,
is that everyone begins writing like
Hemingway. Ernest (that's a wordplay),
short sentences. Direct head-hits with
little flourish. And you know why?
That's because they tire. The mind
tires. Its discretion for detail is
lost. Bravado takes over. The fire
is dwindled. Long-views, like any
outside vantages, are gone.
Do you see what I just did there, 
in my maleficence of spite and 
ill-will? I mimicked a suicide. I 
acted a Hemingway. Not good,
mind you, but I did it. That's an
up-two-days binge and all on 
dry matter. I used to walk the 
docks, when there were docks, 
and there'd be all these sheds
and almost lean-to's, all jumbled
together at water's edge; trucks
and guys hanging around, boat
noises, and those really cool
nighttime harbor whistles and
bare lightbulbs glistening off
the swaying water. I was there
one day, I sense it was afternoon,
with my father  -  who'd come
in to the city in his 1960 Chevy
station wagon, sky-blue, looking
for me; making sure maybe I 
wasn't dead or something. How 
he ever thought he'd find that
out just by cruising around is
beyond me. But, this time he
knew where I was. So we're
sitting around, watching stuff
happen (this was the years when
the elevated West-Side Miller
Highway still ran overhead, along
the waterfront, and you could
freely pork or dump a car or truck
there, under the overpass roadway.
It was real east then, and, as
they would say now, real 
laid-back). All of a sudden he
springs up, all agitated and
excited, and rushes over to the
nearby hot dog guy at the cart.
Turns out, it's 'Tony Mantovani'
or some guy from Bayonne he
grew up with. They hadn't seen
each other in like 4,000 years
and it was great, old, homecoming
day from that point. I got called
over, introduced as Number One
son, all sorts of geographical
crap exchanged, life-tales, 'where
you been, what you do now Andy,'
stuff. It was OK, but after that
time this Tony guy always knew
who I was, which I didn't much
like. But it got me a free hot dog
here and there, which was good.
It was cool to know my father
knew a hot-dog vendor! And
my father was always funny
about stuff. Like friendships,
and names too. To him the
whole idea of being a friend
was a constant 'present.' Time
never existed; like with this
Tony guy, it was as if only
10 minutes had elapsed and
and they were still 14. And
names too  -  Tony was lucky
because he was already a Tony,
but anyone else, instantly, got
the shortcut name. Robert
was immediately 'Bobby.'
Joe was 'Joey.' Ed was 'Eddy.'
you might as well always have
been born with a first name
that ended in 'y'  -  as far as
he was concerned. Mostly it 
was OK, no one ever really 
seemed to mind, but, to me,
to be honest about it, I detested
my father for given away his
low-class status by doing that.
Like at the Studio School once,
I introduced him to this rich guy,
Bontacore du Montpassant,
from somewhere in France
or something. He starts to
immediately address him 
as 'Bonny.' Not really, just 
kidding, to produce a point.
So, anyway, I'm going to
go on here with lots more 
stuff, but these right now 
particular recollections are to
show how I became 'religious.'
I don't know what else it's
called; it's not about any of
that defined church-crap, or
doctrine, or any of that. That's
all secular junk you can heave
out the nearest window. That's
all the 'Devil coming in the
name of the Lord stuff.' I'd 
rather pace the stage at Carnegie
Hall naked than have to put up
with any of that. Real 'religion'
is different. It's spiritual, and the
sort of thing that fills the lungs
with fire, but doesn't burn
them a bit. Next chapter is
my theory of Creation, as 
revealed to me, perfectly, and
it all proves that nothing really
exists at all. You'll see.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


I'm just looking for comfort but
that smudge in the finish, the thing
I keep seeing, the blur that my eye
cannot miss, continues to interfere
with my sight. If I were a medievalist,
I'd call it a vision to then be revered.
How ever did all that go : those hymnals
and prayerbooks, those people on knees,
those flagellants, propelling themselves
with the hot steam of their presumed guilt?
Then, when, and how? Black Death. The
pestilence, and plague.


My dog's name is Weemie. It's just
a name. The same way as iceberg
lettuce is just a name, and the same
way my Mother called a breakfront
a 'China Closet.'


The milkman no longer has his matinee,
and these are some things I dislike : Emotion.
Vanity. Exhibitionism. Children. Motherhood.
Childhood. Sentimentality. Self-Absorption.
Fandom. Loud Noise. Screeching. Pretension.
Piling On. Money. Lists. David Reed's Electric-
Colored Art. Actual Blueprint Figures, Designs
and Sketches too. And Self-Correcting Errors.

12,513. RUDIMENTS, pt. 947

RUDIMENTS, pt. 947
(those guys were like nails)
You know, people talk a lot
about nostalgia, and all those
dear old days they remember.
All that's good, as it goes, but
there has to be more substance
to memories too. Just alone,
a memory really isn't worth
much. It's only when a memory
gets ingrained, within the psyche,
that it too begins producing its
own force-field, a sort-of playback
into the present time and space.
Usually, the predictable dullards
will step to the fore and say that
anything will leave a memory,
and kids today will just have a
'different' memory of things.
Yeah, I guess….and it works
like that if you're an idiot. Of
course they'll say that, because
they're making money off
the changes, now.
One interesting thing I ran across,
in a book by someone else, ('Body
Leaping Backward - Memoir of a
Delinquent Girlhood') - and used 
as the opening dedication-quote,
is by Bruce Springsteen, of all
people. It's not the most clear
image, nor said in the best way,
but maybe it bears some thought:
"The first eighteen years really
shape you forever. It's like a
glass of water filled with mud.
You can pour clear water in it
until it appears clear, but there's
still mud there." So, I guess it
carries something, but the thing
that baffles me, often enough,
and here now too in the town I
live in  (major-domo hell-hole) is:
They're to be in the process of
removing from the 'town' center,
(which isn't really that any more at
all, since everything is dead and
abandoned and moved out to the
sameness of the highways  -  motel
truckers living right next door to 
welfare loafers, next to a CVS tucked 
inside a Walgreens tucked inside 
a liquor store, next to a TD Bank 
tucked inside a Chase bank), the
two schoolhouses that have been
in place forever. Moving them for
the usual bogus and crap reasons,
but anyway. They're being moved 
out to the lower swamps, next to 
the prison and a state facility; real
crappy area, Authority pouncing
everywhere, sex-offenders, 
behavioral modification centers,
etc. and in the flat-ass middle of
nothing good at all. And let's
not forget the 83 million dollars
needed (bond issue) after the tax
giveaways and come-ons extended
to the sleaze-projects in the first 
place as 30-year tax exemptions. 
Something stinks in Denmark, and 
it isn't Hamlet the Dane.
In any case, whenever anyone talks
about their growing-years' memories
of Avenel, it eventually usually does
always come back to those 2 school 
structures and the small wall that 
fronted them at the street. Now they're
even taking that away and the kids are 
going to have absolutely no sense of 
place and being. They're going to be 
schooled in a concentration camp, 
locked and closed up, environment.
All they're going to  remember
is that their parents threw them to
the dogs, in the middle of nowhere.
Cop cars and prison vans. That's the 
stupidest sort of 'Adult' thought I ever 
heard of. But at least it's near to an
'Adult' correctional facility. Most all
else around there is gone or broken
up, to the extent that the new people
gagging around are clueless about
even where they are. In addition,
they couldn't care less. The same
authorities however, who lug their
big butts around bragging over
legacy and lineage and history,
and local stuff  -  intent as they are
on thievery and not preservation  -  
will go about squandering still
more and unaccountable tax dollars
to erect a 'Museum' for all this
echoing and long-ago-lost crud.
And the locals lap it up like Maypo
in the morning. If idiots ran races
here, we'd be having a brass-band
double-marathon. We stupidly
celebrate the past while offering
them crap for their future; not even
noticing the difference, tell them
we're the adults here.
Funny how, in ancient Greece, the
word idiot meant 'One who does
not partake of public life/events.'
No it means just the opposite.
It's Greek to me.
It's funny about memories anyway;
they come from all over the place,
if you know how to catch them, and
they are the most human of things.
They hang by a hair, and in dying
give birth to a dandruff  -  it's that
dandruff that gets us. Names running
back to sources. Reverberating like
spun harps. Tears that fall on warm
fruit, and make waterfalls far away.
Another of the problems around here
and one that's way overlooked, is 
that there really never was anything 
here to begin with. The great houses
and knowledge, they all followed
the great crops : tobacco, cotton,
sugar, apples. Nothing here, Charley
Brown. Nothing at all except fast
food, doctor's offices, car shops, 
drive-ins and drive-outs and that
sweet smell of excess, everywhere.
I walked through lots of trees in
my day, and every tree'd lane was
filled, as well, with memories. When
I was in my seminary days there was
a tree'd walkway for the Stations of
the Cross, outdoors, a sort of circular
path for the pious to walk; it never
made much sense to me, and I
never saw anyone walking it anyhow,
but it was suffused  - and I knew it  -  
with the sweat and labor of slaves.
Before all this religious stuff, the
place had been a south Jersey
plantation, and there was no denying
that. The tar-paper-shacks of those
who used to work the fields, they
still stood, dilapidated and sad,
out that long dirt road running 
rearward. There wasn't anything
there then, in my day, but a retreat
house and the garbage dump the
local town had made for their
trucks to drop stuff. That's what
people think of their own damn 
places. Pretty disgusting. The
retreat house was another anomaly
in the midst of a sandy wilderness  -
all these suburban NJ church types
would come down in buses, and stay
5 or 6 days, on their parish 'retreats.'
To sort of get right with themselves
and their God-concept, before they
went back to the usual pillage, and
plunder, and abusive tactics for
another year. Like a Day of 
Atonement, but a week's worth.
That's the kind of genial nastiness
(there's a paradox for you) that's
now everywhere. I noticed, as I
went long and as politics progressed, 
starting with the NYC draft creeps
pulling me off the street, that once
Authority wises up they realize that
they can do the same sorts of control
tactics that dictators and communists
and all those others they were always
warning us about and fighting off do
but if it's done softly and smartly, the
captive folks don't even notice and,
in fact, they welcome and enjoy.
That was real apparent to me, just
the way it was being done  -  the
entertainment and pastime goons,
the Legion Halls and veterans clubs,
the sorts of boosterism places running
strong, they all brought the people
together in 'cause.' Mouthing crap
and all thinking the same stuff. It
wasn't any different than East 
Germany, the Soviet Union, or 
even China today, in the present.
It's a massive fraud. I knew a guy
once, a prison guy, there, and he
said to me to 'watch out for the
softness. When the hard edges
are gone and only the soft 
approaches are left, that's when 
you know they've got you.' He
told me to stay harsh and swift,
never slow. Old-timer already,
and armed, he sat there, free, in
the waterside shack telling me
shit I'd never heard. Prison stuff.
Sex. He was drinking black
coffee that he'd made, and
sharing it right there, with his
dog. He said, too, a prisoner
has no sex, he is God's own 
private eunuch. No one's ever
going to throw open the door 
and serve you a naked woman
on a platter. Then he winked,
and said 'whatever you do,
always keep that in mind.'
That was down at the west 
docks, right by where there 
used to be a boat, or a floating 
classroom set-up for something 
that used to be called the 
'Maritime High School,' right 
there. I, myself, had just recently,
in 1967, gotten done with what
I considered the most miserable
high school experience ever, and
by contrast this thing looked like
a dream, but I never got the gist
of it, never saw much activity,
and never learned how you get
in. Going to school to be a sailor
or deckhand or whatever it was,
that seemed like the coolest thing
in the world. Those guy were
all like nails. Ah, but's that a
history, of another day.