Thursday, November 22, 2018


Not that I'm holding this
against anyone at home sitting 
on couches fat on their ass but
there's wood may need cutting
and it's getting near cold. That,
that, that televised thing you are
watching now  -  like a winch 
enlevered of an angle'd burden
lifting  -  it's nothing really worth
a shit. There's  fire and a hearth
worth composing and you really
ought be thinking on something 
else. Perhaps you've never seen
a parade ass titting forth before?
Once the dark comes in, the full
moon's own tallow will beckon  -
for whatever it may wish to 
beckon for  -  and you won't
know the difference, will you.
I don't know why you are given
so many years to rot and to 
decay like this. You probably 
should have been snuffed out, 
right in your little cradle. Ah!
But what is man but a 
van mystery to me!

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