Friday, July 6, 2012


They found her in the park -
it was said search dogs sniffed 
her out. Why anyone would put
a body beneath piles of dead leaves
and sticks still badgers my mind.
She'd been dead, it was also said,
at least seventeen weeks.
I've never like any tertiary city -
some idle Baltimore of a small-thinking
mind. Poe died here, OK, I grant you
that, but - anyway - even he mostly
lived elsewhere. The citadel which passes
for a cathedral here, I swear it's so
calm its incense lingers for weeks.
Incredible to be here, and just
listen how well everyone knows their
lines : 'I've been doing this for nine
years now, the dogs always do their
job, and each one of these homeless
murders and abandoned body-drops
still hurt.' He might have added, 'And I
hate newspeople like you, lurking around.'
There will be more, and they are coming  -
that old body festers, alike and kin to anything
else that ever once was. And what, anyway,
will they find? Some panting, crazed madman
jerking off to pictures? Some crafty parolee,
back out to kill, on the streets again? Some
fat, jolly priest you'd expect the least, or a
brother or a father out on the town? Who 
is it all, and what can it matter now?
I beg to differ with most things.
I take a moment before I speak.
And now, I reach down to grab some
dirt, a paean to Mananja's stink.

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