Thursday, July 5, 2012


'Truth is hard and always decided. People don't have to like it,
but there it is. It's a straight line and a solid walk : stray too
far and you're lost. The world wilts under its own assault -
we are both agents and those acted upon. The Devil exists,
easily - trepidations,exclamations, strange occasions and
all persuasions. Please get in line or get off my wild ride.'
So sayeth the Soothsayer.
I entered the rolling carousel  -  at about the same moment
that the changing sky signaled intentions : rolling rafts of
thunder and glee, lightning strikes over valley and trees.
Wondering to myself if this world can signal change, the
thought occurred that all I am, and all I ever was, and
anything I may yet ever be, was bundled together right
there, all in front of me. I looked around for help,
the soothsayer was nowhere to see.

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