Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Just because you say things
doesn't make them true; that
goes for Heaven, Hell, and
things in-between too. it's a 
myriad of hallways we get 
lost in, each, along the way. 
Even when we stumble there's 
usually someone there to say...
'See, I told you.'
No one reads the newspaper 
any more, even though maybe
some kids still deliver: to the 
doorsteps and post boxes so
assigned, where they flick 
their bicycle wrists and the
arc of some rainbow curves
its unnoticed line through the
yellowed suburban sky.  Just
because they throw them does
not mean that anything lands.
They air is fraught with premonitions:
Flying newspaper buttresses, claims
of fame and power, coups and plots,
murders and deaths. Trying to report
all this is useless; just because you
say something, doesn't make it true.

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