Saturday, March 20, 2021


When Untermann came to Cleveland,
there was Chambray too. They were pals
and did all things together. The old mill
they once had was falling apart: the work
had left for overseas, new plastics having
moved in, and Chinese tyrants taken over.
Old business forms like that are hard to
break, even if it's 1958. The old ways
die after a time of dwindling. The two of
them here, Chambray and Untermann,
had sold out long ago, but the old plant
remained; now jagged and crumbling.
What to transform when no pieces fit? -
and they realized, all of it, that the new
days were working against them; it
was bad enough then, but now the
smokestacks now can't even smoke.
They sold their place, in 1964, to some 
warehouse freight guy, and a supermarket. 
Sure they made some money, but lost lots 
more: The heart going out of a dream.

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