Friday, February 3, 2012


(Delaware Water Gap, Pennsylvania, 2012)
Do not dismember the softball girls' team, keep
strong all the people from the Alamo Pantry, and -
lastly - remember to feed well the men in the
lancet choir at St. Mary the Merry Martyr Songster
Troupe tryouts. There will never be anything like
these again. Ever. (I would know, I would. The
chief antagonist of Edward Boray, the tax
accountant from Mount Rouge).
The sun goes up on the mountain ledge and
then that same sun, some fifteen hours later,
goes down on the opposite ridge. East to
west and not strange at all. Sunsets I love :
fir trees gleaning, dark boughs in hiding, a
few straggly Pennsylvania deer peeking out.
Grasslands and old cornfields vying for
space together. And then (like some
Goddess too), the big lunar bubble.
Over in the tiny nowhere town, I sit.
The girl with huge breasts insists on
bringing me coffee and pie. I should
resist for sure but, (my God and
more), I will simply give it up and
accept everything she brings me.

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