Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Though I've tried, I never made the grade -
retrogression, more my style. My friend
Bobby used to say I was born out of
time, and another friend said I was
'haunted.' Maybe they were right, for
I was sure something.
A renegade with a purple fever.
A climbing fool with no reason to
be. To me, going 84 mph down Avenel
Street, just to see what the underpass
looked like at speed, now THAT was
sport. Sport.
I look across the land this morning.
It is white and no one's around. That
suits me fine. Footprints and droppings
of deer abound; birds eating silent suet.
No one makes a sound. Where do
animals go in the dark?
Things rise, and things fall  -  tree limbs
have never hit me yet, though I suppose
it could happen, even now. As we cross
the edge of another year, what is it I
should be saying. I wish for happy
people everywhere?

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