Thursday, August 27, 2020


Reading James Joyce while having
a cough drop : an ancient doctor from
1953 once considered that his remedy
for the common cold. I took the bait
and ended up in some filthy hospital
where even the shadows wore robes.
In medical parlance, a 'Dump.'
Reading the chore-list for the nurse's
aides, I was struck by such heavy-duty
work; not the cleaning and scrubbing,
no, but rather the building and the
lugging of cinder blocks for the new
wing. I'd go home early and never
Check-listing my activities for each
passing day, I now have to be sure to
give myself credit, and stop being so
negative about the things I do. Granted,
they're not much in isolation, but over
the course of time, an accumulation
arises that isn't so bad.
Driving slowly through Roselle Park
to peer at rundown old houses may not
be that glamorous, but one can really
learn a lot. A few kids, selling Kool Aid
at the curb : That makes me smile, to
see that untold dedication: Faith and

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