Saturday, August 1, 2020

13,021. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,032

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,032
('hey sweetheart, your tit's in my coffee')
Cereal boxes, and milk-mouth.
Neither of which I ever liked
very much. Can you imagine
today's version of all those
sports guys like they used to
have on the boxes of Wheaties?
Every one of them now found
out to have been filthy womanizers,
drug-addicted right-wingers, or
closeted gay Klansman. Just
sayin'. Don't get your panties
in a bunch. Those guys, and
Wheaties, and General Mills
(Hey! Wasn't he in the
Confederate Army too?),
or whoever makes Wheaties
if they even still do, they'd be
getting boycotted, sued, having
their CEO's and CFO's and
CFS of America guys fired
and removed quicker than a
new bride's pajamas. Aren't
you glad you didn't live then?
Oh, you did?
Back on the lower west side,
off the piers and the ends of
all those market and freight
streets, back when there was
still a crumbling westside
highway up above it all, as
it came to a bulkhead of trucks
and freight around Canal Street,
there used to be a real variety
village of excitement. Old
abandoned trucks and their
empty cargo-rears, and cars too.
Abandoned crap, just left
around as dumped. The girls
back then  -  and the guys too,
the kinds who came out of
'WestWorld' or any of those
vile gay clubs that clustered
there by Weehawkin Street,
they'd do business right in
those vehicles, and let no one
deny it because three-quarters
of the people who came out to
have the business done were
regular career-lifers from places
like New Jersey and Long
Island. Whores and flippers
abounded. Sex was like drainage
at the gutter. There were people
sleeping at any time, half dead
or full, mattresses covered in
puke and slime, and voracious
happenings going on after dark,
believe you me. In fact, wasn't
that your father, that one time,
who left his briefcase behind?
Innocence and grace are mostly
all lies anyway, and those who
did the damage here were the
same ones who had the damage
done to them. It only later all
turned to really bad drug-doings;
needles, heroin, and they even
had, by the mid-seventies, that
fake heroin stuff the city government
used to give out. The name escapes
me right now, but it's due in any
moment. Ah! Yes; Methadone!
Can you imagine career city
service social workers dispensing
Methadone at city-clinics and
convincing themselves it solved
the problem, to a degree. They
had a Methadone boat, right there.
A person could do their sex
business, go get some Methadone,
and come back and do more sex
business, all in  a two-hour period,
and that it was legally dispensed
to them by a career Social Service
provided in the pay of the City!
There were one or two waterfront
diners there where the girls who
were 'between acts' would hang
out; in addition, each waitress was
like a hen-mother, spiritual healer,
to the girls who'd come in. It was
pretty bizarre; besides the taxi guys,
who back then were all just disgruntled
older white American types with
grudges, cigarettes, attitudes and
bleary chips of one sort or another
on their shoulder, or at least about
what they did, there'd be every
other sort of passing character you
could imagine. They'd mix and
mingle willingly with half-dressed
Summer whores, drug addicts
nodding off, face down, into their
meat-mash or coffee'd potatoes, and
the hookers' customers who'd also
come straggling in, mostly with
shirts untucked or something
forgotten about  -  this was no
Ralph Lauren undertaking, believe
me. It was a real festival of
lights in  a city turning dark.
I stayed around or as I passed
through saw it. At this time I had
a decent enough bicycle, before it
was stolen (taken) from my apartment
on 11th street in the infamous raid
on it by Government sweepers who
managed to take everyone and
everything away, except me! The
absentee rentee! Free fake drugs
I guess the government could take,
but opposition to its own  murder
and killing of Asians was a bridge
too far? How many war heroes
were left undone?
So, anyway, anarchy had been
unleashed. My entire environment
was anarchy. No item was nailed in
place; things flew around like words
at a party. I tried reading lips. I tried
signing. Very little worked. Instead
of walking off, I stuck with it, working
out of arrears while backing into the
future. Sounds odd, yes, but pretty
much that's how it went, like a retro
politics of reactionary diversion. It's
a fairly strange description of an
environment gone foul, but how
many chances in one life does a 
person really get to stay 'outside' 
of things? My formative years, while 
others my age were getting their 
credentials, papers and training, (just
like a dog gets) for lucrative careers 
and settled regimens, were sent forging 
my world on a newer workbench, 
and with a kiln, of my own design. The 
rest of it all was the same as peering
through a microscope at some
gross specimen I wanted no part
of. I admit, as well, to letting
myself be pushed around by, and 
acquiescing to 'others' who thought
they knew better what careers
should be mine.
Without any understanding of 
me, and like a bad Fuller Brush 
salesperson, they just kept pushing
a bad product with no reason
for being at all.

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