Thursday, June 11, 2020

12,880. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,081

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,081
(don't get caught in the drears)
Mark Twain never said it, and
neither did anyone else that I
know of, but now even the
weather people, I'm told, in
summing up tomorrows, will
says 'It's going to be a dreary
day.' My wife told me that; I
have no real knowledge of it.
BUT, one of my old, pet phrases
has, for a long time, been, 'stay
out of the drears.' Kind of as a
message to myself, mostly, to
try to remain upbeat as best I
could and keep away from my
harsh, bleak, and black moments
for fear of the pistol shot to my
temple. I've always had a problem
with my darker moments, but to
date have always avoided jumping
off bridges or driving at high-speed
into walls. Things wear heavy on
me, and I'm old enough to be now
now well-eroded. If I wasn't still
interested in a lot of things, I
would have jumped long ago.
That's the drears.
Homeward bound; you can't go
home again; home is where the
heart is; all that piebald crap just
ends up as some junky Hallmark
sentiment, with the pith and tussle
of a short, pointed, message of
little weight. The greeting card
industry has always made me mad
anyway, being like a frozen comic
strip of inanity for the otherwise
insane. I can remember walking 
into pharmacies, shaking in my
boots, afraid to ask for condoms,
looking for hemorrhoidal creams or
suppositories, any of that junk, and
knowing I'd reached dead-endsville
when I'd see endless rows of greeting
cards, arranged by weird subject
titles and categories; not just birth,
death, marriage, and graduation.
I mean the weird categories they
sometimes came up with. 'The
sex was great! Thanks for a
wonderful night.' or 'Welcome
home! We're all so glad you're
out of prison.' You know what 
I mean, even in my pitiful 
exaggeration. What a trite bunch
of gibberish. Worse than that, what
a cheap and tacky way of making
a living and filling your store  - an
inventory of 10,000 greeting cards
and some nitwit local clerk or
high-school girl in charge of it.
Real career-starter. Resume
builder too. Skills? I was in 
charge of the Greeting Card 
racks at the local 'Fav-Mart 
See, all ths? I'm keeping the
drears away again. My crazy
dog's still ailing and it only drives
ME to want to die, not her. Jeez,
how do I get myself out of this
pot of water before it boils? My
car is sure to break down yet
again. The damned lawn needs
another cut. I'm 20 dollars short
in the fifty dollar line? Not again!
What do I do? I've listened to
myself now a few too many times,
and I know soon I'm going to run
out of luck, and patience, and
time too. I don't want to live,
but I don't want to die. There's
no helping hand anywhere. I
guess I'm on my own. Which is,
once more, what I've feared the
most. There's probably a greeting
card for that too: 'Sorry you're
down in the dumps again. Before
you try slitting your wrists once,
more, did you hear the one about 
the guy who  walks into a bar, 
and says OUCH!!!'
Probably the one saving grace for
me has always been girls. Maybe.
As a category. When I was young,
they were pretty cool. The first
few times I saw a naked girl, I
was dumbstruck. It immediately
undermined my whole purpose 
of being. The world became
somehow disordered. Then, 
getting into all that Art stuff, 
it was de rigeur for naked babes 
to always be slouching around 
so people could be drawing them!
How crazy cool was that! I wanted
to know the reasonings, and was
willing to listen. I'd always taken
art to be about my imagined worlds
and places, with all that 'must reflect
reality' stuff relegated to the past.
Hand-eye coordination., and
painting the perfect apple or
still-life. Or castle. Or bridge.
Hell, what cared I for any of that;
it was all in the past and all already
done, but reflecting another time
and place, and reality. Supplanted
by camera and printing. Who cared,
and why retrace old steps? And then, 
(trying to remain aloof from the 
drears, which I always did see 
approaching), one day I was
thinking to determine what may
have been the oldest thing I'd ever
seen   -  design-wise. At first I
thought of trees, or boulders and
rocks. That design is ancient and
unchanged. A good-sized, armored
bug. A bird. Yeah that was old stuff
sure.  And I wasn't counting celestial
stuff. And then it hit me....the human
body! The naked, pure grace of the
female, and, I guess, as the story 
goes, the pathetic, egregiously
designed male was even older, by
some. So, heck, yeah, why not look,
and look, and look some more.
Ancient designs were always
so great! And they sure beat
the drears.
I always figured there probably
comes a time in every person's
life when you start losing interest.
The person, I mean, IN that life and
in what's going on and underway.
It's all like a huge building problem,
of strange and psychic designs, as
we roll along and all these images
get created; they need recognition
or nurturing or things go awry.
Behavioral problems and the funny
quirks of a criminal or a jerk. All
the sorts of fixations and tremblings
any adequate shrink would be able to
detect quite swiftly. Over-sensitivity
to imagined stimuli. ("Hmmm, let's
talk....'). That's the coy way they 
begin, tying to approach a back
door where the unsuspecting 
'patient' awash in all of this is
not even aware  -  caught up in
everything else they've constructed
mentally  - is sneaking up on them.
Like the drears  -  always trying to
find a way in. If one door doesn't
work, looking and searching for
a weakness to enter, from
somewhere else.

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