Tuesday, June 23, 2020


I called you that by mistake. Once.
Outside, at the curb, polishing a
dark blue car, I made the mistake
of thinking you were someone else.
Yes, my memories are sometimes
off-chart and unfounded, but for you
for sure I was certain. And more.
It wasn't lethal, that foolish mistake.
So you came on over and we walked.
Gone over the lane, we ended up in
a downtown shop, a small place
where they served Chinese tea. Not
for me; I declined and took coffee
instead. You drank a larder of rum.
Beer's a nice thing, when it's right
and it's finished; all that crazy stuff
of wine not present  -  your hints of

blackberry and sandalwood base? 
Never knowing where they're headed

with that. And why the odd chase,
I always wonder; who cares?

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