Wednesday, June 17, 2020

12,902. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,088

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,088
(welling up)
I had a bead on all the
classic architecture guys,
Gordon Bunshaft, I. M. Pei,
back in their days, just to
keep an eye on the sorts of
buildings that had been, and
were being, erected. I always
figured if you're going to
be living in the midst of all
that hard chromium steel
design work above your
head and, by the way, also
completely out of your 
control, you may as well
enjoy and appreciate it, or
go home. Nothing made
me more sore than the sorts,
and there were plenty of them 
too, who'd sort of hippie-ize
everything and want to go 
back to nature, hate and 
disclaim the city, while yet
sitting their skinny ass down,
there, anywhere, within all of
that very same city and place.
Central Park, back then, was
chock-filled with all that crap -
peacock feathers, with their
big, fancy center feather-eye
from the fan-tail. Everything
looked like a life-painting by
Aubrey Beardsley. They'd walk 
around selling them, somehow, 
for like 30 cents, and usually 
accompanied by a large Afghan 
dog and some black person, 
usually the opposite race and sex
from them, just to be showing
how cool and hippie they were.
So, you'd get kids, hippie kids
probably not yet 16, parading
around with stupid peacock
feathers, beads, little-mirror'd
headbands, bell-bottoms, low
slung, colorful pants, and bare
feet, mostly. They'd treat Central
Park like a huge Summer Camp,
one hot day after the other. No
one did much about anything,
leastways not in 1967 into the
1970's. Even the cops tried being
hip; like the dancing-goon cops
now that you see dancing with
the blubbery, fat-ass street mobs.
Man, it's just now as if everything
has degenerated into a perfect
parody of stupidity, ignorance, 
frolic and childishness, with 
some stupid cause tacked on 
for validation; false as it 
might be.
All this crap used to sadden me,
now it doesn't bother me at all,
and thank God for gun control.
To tell you the truth, once I saw
that ridiculous I. M. Pei AT&T
Building, when it went up about
1980 or whatever it was, I kind
of already knew it was all over;
good sense and sincerity, I mean.
The furniture-top style of the
building, that chifferobe-type
molding way up high, at the
top edging, was, to me, just
sad irony overapplied, and I
realized that even architects
around here were no longer
serious. Now, it's all out of
control completely, some 45 
years later. We've lost all the 
puppet strings that used too 
hold things together, and the 
entire fake scene, including the 
puppeteers, have crumbled and 
fallen to nothing. Please burn that
 stage, it's too horrid to look at.  
What we get now are, as I said, 
stupid cops dancing with those
they're supposed to be bashing.
No wonder they're beginning to
get rid of cops  -  they turned
out to be totally useless. Like
badly-designed architecture.
Everything's gone nutso  -  
there are skylines now and
buildings now of swirling
shapes, looking like lipstick
tubes with their pointed tops,
or volumes of twisted cubes
or bubbles piled one atop
another. It's all play, because
you know that inside it's still
the same bastardized 4-corner,
right-angled walls and halls and
doorways and stairways, each
again in the same old Hell of 
regimentation, group-think, 
conformity and subservience.
Just like the goons in the street,
I guess. 
I often wondered, 'why doesn't
the top come off?' Why doesn't
someone really lift the lid on all
this poor stuff and show it for 
what it really is: Slavery, Hall
of Mirrors, Psycho Horror
Chamber, Mental Jail. Why 
wasn't the anger welling up
then, as it is now? At least then
the issues had some substance,
weren't yet just entertainment 
and a Looney-Tunes play hour.
Why aren't the crafty manipulation
and coercion that's really at work
ever brought out? Everything that
ever happened went nowhere. It
ended up as a slot-card crap-shoot
in Vietnam or Korea, Sudan, Libya,
or the Middle East, all at the death
and expense of the common guy
dumbly doing all the dumb stuff.
Why was that just accepted, and
not called 'slavery'? Nothing ever
welled up that was any good;
No matter, I guess, for whatever
happens in those streets and
corridors far below those fancy
buildings all takes on a life of
its own that is all different from
what it is seen  - as it grows and
festers and gets mythologized. So
much of what you 'hear' about the
past never really happened at all, or
happened in the manner you were
taught about it. That's all like the
barnacles that grow on the bottom
os a ship or boat  -  the below the
waterline stuff that clings and grows
and bears an entire and different
reality from what really occurred.
That barnacle is what we then
dare - or presume - to call 'Life.'

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