Saturday, January 24, 2015


Take the cake walk, bring it back -  all
the shiny-stage stuff goes wanting. Singers
are singing, and some fat black, with swagger,
plays a trombone. All the people are loving
that Louie's sound.
I've got cards spread out  -  some old-fashioned
hand that no one can read. The 12th street locals
just stare  -  some little girl with ribbons, and
two old men  -  very tall and very thin. Let's
all keeping going, just this side of order.
One day after Wednesday, the calendar says,
the anarchy will break out : fresh-faced, like
piglets pink and newly running, children with
staves, warriors in tri-cornered hats. I want to
be there, when these saints go marching out.
My forested misnomer shall cover the land.

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