Friday, January 16, 2015


Ice was running off the railings, and a pale, weak
sun was running around : a monument here, to
WWI Soldiers, and there, to some old General
Swank or someone. Two old government Chevies
limped by, on their way to something. I'd have to
guess the name of this was 'Memorial Field'.
You know how that is  -  all that stuff about regrets
and returns and valor and 'never-again.' The kind of
things adults do when they're just not very sure of
just what they should do : bury the dead with markings,
or just forget all about them. 'Sorry' is always off-key.
It's like the first time you have to dress up or something:
all of a sudden, for school or church or whatever, they
change the rules and start telling you 'this' or 'that'
to do, and all the stuff that has to be done to make
it right and proper. I always wanted to bash them
back for that  -  when they did it to me.
There's always  -  after that  -  someone adult at
the head of the line or the top of the stairs, with a
bell or a clicker, going on about something to no
one in particular's ears. Just rote stuff, the manners
and the learning this person's got to use to get his pay.
 And then : you do nothing in particular, nothing at
all about it, or because of it, and  -  no matter  -  
they come around anyway, patting you on the 
head or back to start on about your
'marvelous, polite, and winning ways.'

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