Saturday, January 10, 2015


The application of force to stationary things
can cause a disruption to stasis. A'kilter we
go, all things amiss.  Like a thought out
of line, what we say is declared invalid.
Along the local turnpike road I am watching
a thug with a turnstile hat get out of his Lexus. 
I already do not like the guy  -  I'll admit  -  
just by what I see. His swagger is cheap.
Why do I have to speak, or even co-exist
with applications quite like this? Ghetto
swank is a glitz I don't read. Nothing
there for me. The only things instead
I hold are things I hold myself.
I'm sick of all this veteran's crap,
I'm tired of talk of war. I didn't
tell anyone to get themselves
involved. They did it, they 
got what they get.
Try some working man's hands.

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