Wednesday, May 10, 2023


No, I haven't a clue what the title means,
yet, like a cat sitting a pole, I thought it
was cool and worth a dozen looks. The
heck with all the rest. 
I saw a sideways creature this morning,
slinking through the grass. Grass I probably
ought to start mowing with my short-order
trusty little tractor-mower, but for the moment
I can't be bothered over. I figure for the next
two weeks, all this is animal-kingdom stuff:
Birds having babies, nests and other things
in the low-hanging branches; turkeys with
their broods being hatched and then walking
them along  -  I get acres of that stuff, and never
like disturbing. What they don't need is me. The
bears too, though by now I guess they've awakened
from their slumber. Haven't seen any yet; and the
deer, the fauns, always crossing my lawns.
I hate the word lawn, like I hate the word law too.
Lawn is a fake thing, shouldn't even exist. A grass
that's coaxed to grow, with poisons and fertilizers
good for no one or thing., and then  -  once the 
grass gets rolling - every 4-days it's cut back by
some dweeby madman with a nasty engine, tailing
behind his mighty cutting machine. Give me a
break. Grow yourself a brain, OK?

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