Tuesday, October 19, 2021

13,886. TAMARACK

The slowness of time makes a
wheel of the rhyme of our living.
When I first read Kafka, it gave
me a scare  -  I didn't enjoy the
book, but I liked the chair.
On the other hand, all those books
of self-help entreating to guide us
through morasses of the infirm led
me to nothing but anguish. Learning
to live with the Self was like learning
to live with another. All good signs
on a passage to nowhere?
They ought to pave a street named
Postulate Way, and leave uncertainty
principles there. For a day, or even a 
month, it would make no difference 
as the ideas for a future were simply 
invented, leaving all the fine tuning
for later. Like Columbus, we're going,
and we don't know where. Yes, we're
going...to get us somewhere.

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