Saturday, June 12, 2021


Misery may love company but,
it doesn't need to incorporate. Try
balancing a marble on edge, if
you sense what I mean. There was
a guy outdoors today, in some
old, ratty sweatshirt; he was out
and about overseeing a yard full
of people shopping through a
house where an old man had 
died. Estate sale, all that kind
of stuff. Two-hundred old crooner
LP's, and about 300 CD's. Same.
Old German crafts, glass jars of
every nut and bolt combination
you'd ever imagine  -  two rooms
of tools, plus the house itself.
Now, I love all that stuff -  the old
tools and implements, the clamps
and the vices; but this brought
into play an entire, other, world -
one passed, yes, but still there and
present. The old German guy 
grumbled, and his kids said the
house was next. 'We'll sell it soon
as it's empty,' and I said, 'But, hey,
that could take years.' I bet that
plain face wasn't going nowhere!

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