Thursday, June 17, 2021


If doing magic makes valid the
trick, I cannot justify this waiting.
Too many things go on : the forms
of majesty wither; the seamstress
comes home from her war; still
another ex-soldier patters on
about his wounded being.
The old jailhouse  -  they
advertise it around here as
a historic site to visit - doesn't
do a thing for me. Solid stones,
yes, instead of campy bricks and
mortar, but the locks and bars
are all the same and, if it worked
once, it worked a hundred times.
There are veterans, and there are
veterans, if you know what I mean.
The silent kind just work along, and
the others seek claims for justifications
of their own. I once knew a guy who
had been in Vietnam. He related,
very simply to me, how he'd once
had a whore and, when they were
done, he threw her down the stairs
and  -  at the bottom of the stairway,
simply shot her crumpled body.
Expendable people, I suppose, once
seen in that light, become nothing;
Vietnamese or not, as this case went.
It all made me, upon hearing this,
very sad. Very sad indeed.

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