Wednesday, February 4, 2015


In the dark of the night I get up and get dressed,
so as to leave before dawn and find that old portal
to things which no longer exist. I take the horse
trolley to Chambers Street, where driver Anton
lets me off. Eduardo gives me a beer, even before
light, at the temple of Divine Infusions, where I sit
a bit. To linger too long is an idle life, so I watch
myself with care. There are only a few coal-scuttlers
still tripping around, and a lady with a very soiled
apron. The light just now begins on a very cold
morning, wherein the whistling white clouds come
slowly o'er a pinkish horizon. I really know
nothing, and want to know less. Be still and
just be, my spirit guide says, let it all
fall around you in peace. 

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