Sunday, February 22, 2015


Of all the pestilential moment I've ever faced, I am
sure to say I've liked you the best. Even with traffic 
and cars whizzing by, the dumbo behind the wheel
of the salt-spreader plow gives a wave. All these 
township and boro guys, I know too many of them
and they act like I'm part of their team. Long and
unkempt, I guess my manners keep them in mind
of the bar room they just left, or to which they're
going. OK with that. I should be there too.
It's different in the big city, Tyrone. The guys there,
they watch their curbs and the cars that are parked.
God forbid they should take off a mirror or tip at
a bumper; there'd be city hell to pay. Let alone
City Hall. the papers and the lawsuit, here they
come. Caution, like a taxi light, all the way.
Of all the pestilential moments I've survived, yes
you're the very best. Acting the part of the maiden
I squandered, or the best-friend's sister with whom
I've eloped. I can't put my finger on it, yet. Or, I
guess you know then what I'm meaning. Life is a
sinister curve at a quite well-attended racetrack,
and everywhere the lights are beaming.

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