Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I have seen the water overflowing its banks and the lines
on the outside shed-walls telling of mud and how high the
river rose. I have seen where the cows were taken in from
Canal Road under threat of drowning. A real little-Calcutta,
right here. The fence was twisted and turned by the force.
I've kept silent in such a deluge before  -  things floating
by me, real things : the buried Elmira dead, in 1972;
Hurricane Agnes unearthing the dead in their floating
coffins; the kid who was killed on the island in the
Chemung. Houses and barns the just crumbled.
Living on this land is no picnic for sure : window-glass
breaks in the wind; is there a connection with the name?
Tom Faulkert's silo went down; corn silage and junk
everywhere. Cattle braying, geese on alert;
the cattle braying, and the geese on alert.

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