Monday, January 28, 2013


To My Endearing Charm
There's no cut-off at the canyon that your
knife could not handle : rapier-like wit, fiery
tempest of reason and a solidarity with all
things beautiful. I knew you when the lazy
waters ran. We stood at Kelvin's Corners
together. Your mother ran the hose that
doused me through - for a week later,
I coughed a dead-man's hack.
And yet, now, all these scarf-years later,
you are standing once more in a secret light
without me. The mother is gone, the old
Chevy that leaned at the curb, I do remember,
has long ago been cubed into someone's
footstool of junk, and all my ideas and
years of trouble and schooling are so
long past as to be forgotten. You once
said I would never want for anything -
God, how wrong you were.
Everything in the refracted glasslight
is sour and listless; even the straight
lines are drooping. Time is like a
circus master, now spinning his
hoop past lions and tigers and
more; past lions, and
tigers, and more.

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