Saturday, January 5, 2013

4062. NO, I WON'T

For that reason alone, I will not. I remember
seeing that woman before, looking my way while
her dog kept yapping. If she was staring me down
as the source of her woe, no, I won't move on.
Shut down your culprit dog instead : your own
yellow-raincoat flickers in the breaking sun, and
your plastic boots are tragic. I'll do anything
right now to completely mix her up.
I've decided, just as well, to never put anything
in the way of myself. You know, I am all that I
have. The river may widen, the river may crest,
but my own craft must float, no matter the rest.
Let me take this steamer cap from your head.
No, I won't deliberately hurt you, but it
might happen nonetheless. Yes, you
may wince in pain. No, I won't.

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