Monday, November 22, 2010


'I am strongly of the opinion that nothing
is easier to hide than something
that is already hidden, and that nothing
is more obvious than that which is already
right before us. Also that we should
have more love and less law.' He said
that standing sideways, leaning on a
wall like only a rich man can do. He looked
pretty much like a man who did nothing :
BUT : opined for others, voiced his opinions
openly, found exceptions to every rule, and
then found a rule to beat even the exceptions.
A woman seeking a mate might say 'I like
that in a man.' A woman long married might
scoff. Either way, the proof would be in the
pudding, as is said. I knew it would,
the world subtly changed this viewpoint.
Sparrows fell and clouds rolled over the sun.
The dark of an early evening entered midnight
way before its time. I wanted to ask him what
he did for the living. 'I bury the dead,' he answered,
'and those not yet dead, well, them I try my very
best to make well again.' His words sounded like
a Bach cantata in my head. I wanted to nod assent,
but - instead - seemed frozen in place by fear.

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