Wednesday, November 17, 2010


(Gullible's Travels)
I went to the monuments. They
were not there. Wreaths of accolades,
all the honors of high births, and I'd
most apparently missed out on them
all. I went to the highest mountain.
There was a castle at the top. I spoke
to the Castle-Keep, in his hut by the
side of the moat. Not moat really,
more like river of flames. I asked him
why it all had to be like this. He arose,
and said : 'Fine fellow no. It is not as it
appears at all. All these things are
temporary, even the fires and the flame.
And up high on that hill, there is really
no one at all. You see, you have made
all this up.' I pointed to my feet and said,
'Then why then do my feet hurt so?'
He smiled, and said back, 'And oh,
you are so gullible'.

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