Monday, September 6, 2010


"You have met me on the way to an illusion, my dear friend.
As all things are illusion - but too the fence was a mirror.
As are all things - both and illusion and a mirror of
ourselves back to ourselves, endlessly."
Nomenclature and division - the absolute two
grand prize winners of time and being, and here
we are all twisted up trying to fit into that jacket.
"I am not here, just as I never have been here.
I care for little, as the string of a blighted death,
the thread of me, hanging, tightens its noose
around what is called my 'neck'. Full disclosure:
not truly mine at all. Come with me again,
let us visit new graves.
From deep and far out in the texture of space
we take meanings, plucking things at will and
deciding what to name. Name as if to own.
With nowhere to put them down, they float
in our own reality, until we let them,
perhaps, land where they may."

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