Friday, September 3, 2010


They said the name like a buttery waste.
He was a man from Sheffield or somewhere.
His mother had been Baker Blair's daughter, killed
in the second war. No one really knew the rest.
I hung out with the kids from Harlin Hall, maybe
three years at the most. Aways the same.
Gay English fags, running off at the
fey drunken mouth.
We took the long-rifle from the cabinet
and started shooting at cars and lorries.
Nothing major, mind you, no shoot-to-kills;
just blow out the tires or break out some
glass. Something to rile the lower-class
bastards up. All these trucks and cars; they
so loved their 'owning' of things.
Not us, we had it all already and
always already did. Or, as we
used to say - laughingly though
not without some horrid mistrust
(of each other, I guess) -
'born already with a
silver dick in our

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