Monday, January 3, 2022

14,045. HOW IT IS

How it was we stay so calm
with the tremors happening
all around us, I'll never figure.
We should be melting cars for
guns? Trading in washers and
dryers for firearms and bombs?
People walk the street assailing
others. Those who assault diners
in their caverns, eating, just go
on  -  no interdiction, and no 
retribution either. Hot hands,
bland forks, and 'give me all
your money!'
People seem lazy or dulled.
Restaurants get filled with the
crazies, and others live in the
shadow of bombs and fire. Once
was a time when every day had
the fury of outrage and death  -
over Israeli cafe explosions or
Talibans hacking off hands again.
Now, the world remains so quiet
that even babies sleep through
the lethal carnage: Minds, dying
slow on the line.

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