Sunday, January 2, 2022


(one dim bulb)
With certain things you get
everything, but with everything
you only get certain things. What
kind of deal is that, I want to ask?
How does a winner walk away a
loser, and a loser come back 
to win?
When I was 11, only then it was
that occasional items began to
add up, though I was still often
perplexed about the most ordinary
of things: The paper-boy seemed
like a real slug, and I never much
liked him anyway, though as I recall
my sister and her friends were 'gaga'
over the twerp.
Incipient formulations rattled me :
I was always making things up. It
worked until I began to get bizarre,
like telling Sergeant Crilly I had just
robbed the First Woodbridge Bank
and Trust. Kept the cops busy. 
In contrast to yesterday's brightness,
the world today is one - dim - bulb.

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