Friday, November 19, 2021


My very tired eyes are blue,
though never before have
they been. I took the boat
to Tired Island, and some
guy tried picking me up:
'I love the blue of your 
eyes,' he said.
I noticed the lamppost was
out, on the avenue by 19th.
Many years before, right 
there, had been a now
historic riot, where the
locals were shot down by
militia, a big battle, in the
street. About 120 bodies,
just strew about. 
We don't do that here 
anymore. I don't think.
As the vaunted statesman
told me,' There are different
ways now of silencing people,
and we use them all.' I shrugged
and said 'Your wife said you
should try what I did on her.'
We don't do that here,
anymore? I don't think?
Another time, the Draft Riots.
Another time, the Negro Burnings.
I can hardly keep up. One tries
learning history to stay abreast
of what, the past? The present?
Which is it? Can't be the future.
No matter what, I'll say this to
you, I've never given up. Not
yet. We don't do that here,
anymore, I don't think.

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