Monday, November 1, 2021

13,914. SEE HOW EASY

Just like Adam, biting. Holding that
apple open for the end of time, singing
like some stupid opera star endlessly
wailing about something obscure.
I can feel the sway of everything
moving, but I know this isn't my
The dogs above my head keep barking,
and the idle-owner's playthings stare
me down. He's got three women in
the garage-bay waiting. Some people.
it seems, just go one.
Rip me at the seams and reupholster
my mind. Stuff a pillow case where
my brain should be. I have no wants
or envy anymore. Thinking of it 
now, I can pass for anything I
wish: fifteen marmalades; or
fish chowder in a dish.
The man comes over to ask me again
where I get these images from : I laugh
at his haggard face and say "Repeat after
me, today. I will steal no words from
another man's mouth, nor supply new
words where none are due out." See 
how easy all of that was.

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