Tuesday, September 28, 2021


(an abstract)
Who remembers where we're going? 
Chocolate broom Paulette wanted 
to beat it.....with a bloom. All things
too. Even the impaired : False idols
and idle saints at their grottos with
the imperfections of man.
Over in McGovern's bar, in Newark,
we were sitting at the union meeting;
the back room was humming with
guys. Thirty men, all nursing beers.
A falsetto contingent of gangsters,
sitting together while drinking their
swill, admiring all that they have.
Money and dues and other guys' wives.
Pathetic 2nd homes at the Jersey shore, 
where their filthy sons and daughters
hang out for more.
The little dead-end street we lived on :
They call me the Japanese landlord and
I don't ever know why.
Shameful peanuts; let's call this one
something nice  -  the regular soldier
with the missing arm; the peg-legged
sailor puking off stern.
When the completion comes, the
partial will come to an end  -  the
whole loss will it be of this green,
green, dwindled Earth. I take my
humiliation on  a grand scale. The
biggest within mind is all I can take.

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