Friday, September 10, 2021

13,812. JUNOT DIAZ

And tired to my bones. The wrestling
match between honor and valor really
brings me down. Along the field there
are stakes in the parkland. New Brunswick
references, where the river's high waters
take over the ground. But not for any
real reason, because nothing is there.
Rutgers no longer has any gents; just
black crapheads, as if washed up from
the Raritan's waters. Footballers. Hunks.
Pieces of lethal debris (claiming their
'education' should be free). I watch the
bonfire at night. In late August like this
it's always football, football, football.
Just as education should be. A long,
deadly pass from Newark to Brunswick,
sailing for free, so Neanderthals can learn
how to breed all over again, or at least see
what it is their ruined world is presenting.
Little white cars. Doilies and rear windows.

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