Monday, September 13, 2021

13,817. FOOL ME ONCE

It's been proven, in American
life, that the most lucrative 
phrase in the everyday language
has been 'Would you like fries
with that?' I've even heard siding
salesmen say it! (Though at both
funerals and wakes, not so much).
This whole place is kind of like
a phantom runway anyhow, so
nothing much of it matters. I once
had a job at which I manufactured
calendars. My days were numbered.
Then I tried working in a car muffler
place, but the work was exhausting.
Then I tried being a teacher, but I
lost my principals, my faculties, and
my class. Lastly, at UPS, I found
I couldn't express myself.
But only in America is there no egg
in eggplant, nor ham in Hamburger.
No, and neither apple nor pine are
in pineapple. Still, you've got to
figure, sweetmeats are candies while
sweetbreads, which aren't sweet,
are meat. That's cool enough.

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