Friday, July 9, 2021

13,693. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,191

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,191
(enjoy the deep forest)
People used to put that sign
out which read, 'Gone Fishin' -
in the old days, when stuff like
that was still done  -  to signify
that their little store was closed
and/or that they were away on
vacation. Maybe country people
anyway; I don't know how hokily
prevalent that ever was in the big
cities. No matter. My own version
of that  -  lo, and after all these
years  -  would simply be 'Gone
Mad.' I seem to have been  -  or 
was told so  -  fortunate to have
grown up in the small era when
Humankind's self-awareness
seemed to grow by leaps and 
bounds. I always believed it was
all crap anyway. The ancient
Greeks perhaps best summed it
up as hubris; a kind of false or
mislaid pride about oneself and
one's achievements. Like thinking
you can control Nature by
building a dam.
It always seemed to me that the
self-awareness of 'Humanity' which
supposedly began with the 'Space
Age' consisted in little more than
having somehow a certainty then
that the world was, indeed, round.
Photos from space were said to
have confirmed all that  -  which
then led to the sub-industry of
'Saving' our Spaceship Earth, and
the rest of that drivel that went
nowhere except in enforcing yet
another form of 'Pride.' False
again indeed. If anyone was
intent upon 'saving' the planet
Earth, why then would they
continue any of the greedy steps
of commerce that Capitalism
purveyed; essentially 'More' of
everything! 78 brands of toilet
paper, 100 brands of cereal, all
arrayed in lines down supermarket
shelves in a maddening frenzy of
redundancy, overuse of resources,
commercial sameness with any
differentiation really based only on
the usual lies and misrepresentations
creating 'demand' that such 
commercialization brings : scent,
texture, appeal: Saving the planet?
It's all very funny, in addition to 
being false, pathetic, and based on
insidious lies. A perfect example, in
its way, is this very laptop I am now
typing this on  -  I'm getting 'pop-ups'
that propose to tell me how to avoid
getting pop-ups. If that makes sense
to you, let me know. Somewhere
between the shtetl and the synagogue
there has been passed the cathedral
of commerce by which we are ruled.
At every step we are assaulted, nay,
pummeled, by the ostentatious
mistruths of commerce, all in the
vain hope of peddling something
(or 'nothing') which has first been
defined as a vital 'something.' 
In the end, having achieved all the
self-awareness that comes forth
from the froth of accepting such
self-imaginings, we realize that none
of it exits with us, that we leave
this life  -  certain or uncertain -
with absolutely no reservoir of
remains about that which we 
assumed as the components of 
our lives. If any grave or tomb 
could allow its boney inhabitant 
to talk, there'd be very little to say  
-  inasmuch as all the 'assumptions' 
of that day's self-awareness would 
now seem as stupid as one of Jay
Leno's cars. 'I have, therefore I am?'
On the way station to death, there's
a stop called life. Take it all for what 
you will. Enjoy the deep forest and
undertake your own conclusions.

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