Monday, September 28, 2020

13,131. RIOT

I have no memory and it is all 
a riot of time. My head shakes
to think of things I've done:
streetwalking with broken
bottles in a velvet hand. We 
maim but but we must not
mar. Take these things home.
The plants of Autumn, left, 
are finishing their work before
they crumple; dried and brown
and soon forgotten. Yet another
season will have them back with
us. So soon the passage, so soon
the return.
I think that sounds religious though
it isn't meant to be. This Life has
its own scruples : Past doctrine and
past category. Ice of Winter, snows
of January? Until April tries to
salvage something? Us?
How else could it be, this little effort
headed for its downward slope? In
so many ways, the words evoke:
Silence and regimentation; Blind
Lemon Jefferson and Robert Johnson
too : A heap of ash, in the container
of a distant yesteryear.

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