Thursday, September 10, 2020

13,109. OUTSIDE

Outside Orion's Belt, the
prodded plovers push on
towards their fabled excellence; 
gifted diamonds and efforts speak
to hearts, of love and loss, appalled.
Those starved for any of that send
their new expectations skyward,
birdlike too. Human-formed; 'midst
Diaghlev's endazed dance and croon.
Soon, their crescendos rise.
The stalwarts rattle all creation like
a fiery breeze. Churlish ghosts ascend
to engage the night, eternal charismatics
swooning the sceptered mass of Man,
with its haze of hate and fog.
What more to fade dissolves away,
anon, away. We are the night, and
they  -  they are all beginnings.

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