Monday, September 21, 2020

13,124. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1, 067

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,067
(ex post chango!)
Normally a person doesn't go
around declaiming what a mess 
they are, but in this episode I'm
undertaking a class-action suit
against myself to prove it so. I
think I've lost (some) control,
become un-keeled; whatever
that would exactly mean. If the
entire realm of creation is at all
times underway with some form
of flux  -  beyond the recognition
patterns of our ordinary existence,
then what's the use of anything
and who should care, and why
isn't everything then just some
other sick form of instant-nostalgia?
You can read all the books in China
and the USA and still come away
dumb as a camel's bump. I knew
a girl once, back in the ABATE
office, who would often enough
come downstairs to show me her
latest tattoo, or piercing. As tenants
upstairs to my office, her and her
over-the-road boyfriend, truck-
driving boyfriend, when home,
were very noisy lovers. I heard it
all. And, then when he was away,
I most often got to see it all, as
far as tattoos and, ahem, certain
and varied 'piercings.' Awkward
indeed, but I always kept it to the
'look but don't touch' variety of
unspoken code. Poor girl could
have been a real, free, handful,
but I declined myself each time.
Wondering all the same what her
threshold of reality was and how
and if she was ever in the idea of
the 'constancy' of cosmic change
based upon the ay the universe
was based and functioning
around her. Obviously, she was
not, because everything was the
same. But then I used to think how
much show was missing out on
this life by expecting the 'same.
After all, how many tattoos or
piercings does one need to make
the point being made? Change
is the only constancy, as most
tattoos will tell you in thirty
year's time anyway. Piercings?
I don't know, but I do know
that 'sensitive' lady parts bear
the brunt of that intrusion.
Another interesting point to
make, for me to make, want to
state, bring up, etc. (Someone 
told me I'm 'still in mourning 
and yet grieving' for my dig; 
thus the peculiar irrationality. 
I disagree, will not digress).
Those words are awfully close
to each other, no? How is
anyone to know these things 
anyway?...Going back to
John Updike, he once likened
reconstructions of John Kennedy's
assassination to the 'indeterminacy
of subatomic particles.' Pretty
cool  -  each reconstruction bears
the differences of any previous
'reconarution,' which may have
changed or altered the facts or
the overall viewpoint of the
worldview of that assassination  -
a curious one done on the run,
in movement in fact! - which 
assassinatin, before long, and
with all of these so many pilings
on of conjecture and 'supposeds,'
no longer has any 'Reality' at all
and is different from any fixed
telling at any time. 'Calling Mr.
Much like Claudia's fine body
piercings  -  which were put into
place as fixed determinants but
which, over time, move and sag
stretch the fabric of the skin
into which they are 'set'  -   they
eventually appear very different,
again, in some 40 years: though,
alas, the Claudia here in question
is no longer among the living either.
Thus, my canine AND my human
referents too here are altered and
beyond comprehension within the
changed annals of Time. Where
do I go? Where do I go?
An artist named Antony Gormley
once created a series of sculptures
exploring how form takes shape
through randomness, Now there's a
concept, but don't think it too hard,
someone will soon come by and
try to put a 'program' onto that
'randomness' and ruin all the
human joy it may have.
In 1928, a British astronomer,
Arthur Eddington, argued that
the indeterminacy of the quantum
universe opened the way for the
reintroduction of the spiritual into
the world, initiating a line of
thinking that associates the
paradoxes of the quantum world
with the mysteries of religion.
Just go ahead, look at the deep
night sky; I dare you. You then
tell me. AND, some years later,
an American physicist named
Arthur H. Compton (something
about that name Arthur?), argued
that the quantum world pointed
to the existence of God; and in
the funky 1970's a group that
called itself the 'Fundamental
Fysiks Group related quantum
mechanics to New Age Eastern
mysticism. Here's sort of where
it all gets too much for me: a 
complete Unity of One being
surely the flip-side of any stupid
American E Pluribus Unum, 
which was paradoxical enough, 
and especially to those feeble 
Rationalists, who kept tripping
over their odd categories at
Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia.

Oh hell then, NOTHING works
because NOTHING is all there is:
In the sixth century B.C., there
was Pythagoras claiming, with
his disciples, that everything in
the world could be described by
whole numbers (?) and their
ratios, and more than two
millennia later, Descartes made
a powerful case for a perfectly
rational and mathematically
knowable universe. BUT, each
time, the rigorous schemes fell
victim to the forces of change
and disorder: The Pythagoreans
had their 'quantum moment' 
when they suddenly discovered 
irrational numbers, which proved 
the hopelessness of their quest;
and Descartes followers were
likewise sideswiped by Newton's
discovery of universal gravity.
An unruly world, keeping its
deepest mysteries to itself?
All I know is my dog is dead.
Claudia too is dead. And, for
this moment, I am yet alive;
rehearsing my own c'est la vie?

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