Thursday, September 10, 2020

13,108. HUMAWAY

Here here the apple orchard's fine.
Twin trucks from Merkel Brothers
are loading up. Take the orchard to
the people, if the people can't come
to the orchard. Bushels of apples are
bushels of apples. After all.
I spend inordinate amounts of time
talking : the girl with purple eyes, 
who calls herself Trudi but is really
named Tessa; the slick skateboard kid;
the monastery brother named Brother
Malcolm who insists that though his
Jesus rose from the dead it is not
specifically necessary for one to
accept that odd tenet to otherwise
buy the whole religion and find
your way to Salvation freely.
That was Mount Savior Monastery,
just out of Elmira in a place called
Pine City. I tried to be humble there,
but it never worked. I was always
busting out of my shoes.

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