Sunday, November 2, 2014


(I am bereft)
Someone's meticulous portraiture caught my eye,
seen cast as a stone on a beach. Wicked ways and
gentle meanings, together. I approximated colors
with my mind's eye alone, and it all brought me
backwards, to home. Again, in slavish devotion.
These weren't the things you were made of  -  candles
in the wind, precious hearts and flowers, flames that
won't go out. By comparison to my heart and mind,
all that is magic. What are we, anyway, but motion.
Please don't sit still  -  keep moving. Bring your own
eyes' passions to the flight of the moth, uncomfortable
as ever, onto one of those flames  -  soon brought to
attention, soon singed. That too, just like a heart, and
just like a passion. Here, take this now. I am bereft.

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