Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I won't go back there again though I must
and though I have. Oh, tempestuous one,
H., you have driven me to this : Ginny Flowers,
the erstwhile whore in the Woodbridge Towers,
sitting astride her couch with her little, black
child playing by the window and Die Hard again
on the screen  -  for at least the twentieth time.
All this now seems so dreary. I could not talk,
though we tried to speak, and that fat biker fellow
kept coming around  -  saying he was hungry,
saying he was dry, wanting another beer, scratching
his disgusting stomach, asking for a blowjob then and
there. He knew all about Bruce Willis : who'd just
bought a town in the South Jersey wilds, was not
yet quite bald, seemed humorous and ready for action.
I stood up to say I didn't care and was so very tired of
all this crap. No one agreed, they just shrugged. I was
so sad and angry that I left by the backdoor stairs.

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