Friday, December 7, 2012


I've found this old parcel of time
now coming back at me  -  a time
then transformed, and oh how we
turn! See that tiny glimmer of eyes?
They sparkle, but they mean much 
less. The speed-skater struggles on:
a Commandant, now dressed like
a tiger, and dancing on blades
to a crazy music.
Alice was a girl; not a girlfriend,
just a girl  -  with words and warmth
and food and style. No whiskey
oddball whistling down a drunken
street could say he didn't notice. She
would claim whatever place she was at.
I took her arm once  -  just to make a 
moment work  -  and I realized at that
moment all of the defensiveness which
keeps us apart : listen for a moment,
Alice, to the words that we exchange,
and see  -  they really are just wishes.

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