Friday, October 19, 2012


There are places, I assure you, where
April really follows May, where fruit
unripens on the vine, and clowns
bring sadness to the masses : a land
where all things are breaking out,
loose and wild. It is the land of
Sin(e); not the one you know,
but another one entire.
There is no trespass here - you
may do whatever it is you please;
just decide to choose, decide to
buck your wagon and change key. 
Run all those limits to the chamber
you select. The light will be leaving
just as soon as it gets here.
 Men are talking stocks again : all
their lame scenarios of margin calls
and turnover gain. Simple men are
simple men, and will so always be;
the learned Rabbi speaks at the tomb, 
the monied writer has his hour at Library
Station. The fat lady talks of Australia anew.
Oh God, I want to sleep and we are
falsely taking of a hundred things. You
know you know nothing about anything
you know, and health is not the key
to your happiness at all.


mridula said...

Loved it :-)

gary j. introne said...

Thanks. Glad you looked in and left a note.