Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I remember reading 'Homo Faber' in 1974, Max Frisch,
I believe, 'Man the Maker' in translation. It was all OK
with me  -  that guy on the jet plane  - as it taxied down
the runway  -  the gleaming of the glass, the metal all
below, and, far off, the vision of that crazy field. Looking
back on it all now, I don't really know why I bothered.
Christina Rosner, the girl from Berlin - we visited regularly,
often and between classes. I asked what language they
spoke in Bonn, that 'temporary' capital, as she called
 it, that backwater, disgusting southern town. She
answered, 'Why, they speak Bonn!', in some disgust, as
if southern yokels would know no better and speak 
the same. It made me realize, and then wonder 
some more  -  for just like us, all those regional
differences rose to the surface - Alabama to
 Boston and Berlin to Bonn. We knew no difference,
 we spoke the same. (And what was this civilization
 then built upon anyway?). Now, long these far
years later, so right she was -  Bonn is long
over, all those yokels are finished, and some
redefined Berlin now rules the land once more,
and I am finished and she is gone and what
relapse remains is a memory lone, something
forgotten yet  -  here and there still  -  vaguely
recalled and remembered and thought of.
Where she is now, I do not know.

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