Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2093. DOCILE

(Princeton University campus)
Limitless adventure - I am leaning back into the
sunlight and thinking only thoughts of light and
air. Why this is, I do not know. To my left, two
squirrels scurry, tending to duplicate, it seems,
each other's movement. What a strange and cheery
way to play. The yellow house behind me, with its
history and benches marked, still adheres to its
wily tradition : that of never changing and always
only being what it ever was. A place that had
another time, and now refuses to leave it.
The privet behind me, also with the house,
was started with cuttings from Mt. Vernon.
It is here labeled 'George Washington Privet.'
Purloined cuttings at the dawn of some
revolutionary era. How strange that all
here sounds. There is no revolution here
at all. We are used, and suffer things
lightly. We are cordial to all, docile
to an American fault. Almost a
waste, all this past glory.

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