Thursday, March 10, 2011


Why would anyone do something that would just make them
uncomfortable? I really don't know. Yes, true, birds fly into
skyscraper glass and die, but they have really no clue what's
up - broken neck, crushed chest, and all that. Those are
our concepts, to be fair. Race car drivers going 220 miles
per hour around hairpin curves are sure to die eventually
...and they know that and accept it, but, still, why?
The addict piercing skin with needles day after day,
merely to stay alive and high so as to need more?
What's with that anyway? That's all discomfort.
When it's easier to stare into the Sun, walk straight
into the waves, or simply stop moving at all. Those
things, by their realization, are more apt to have
true consequences. It's the love of a life that
really matters; that, and the things one can
hold in one's hands. Objects we can understand.
Not water or powder, no, I mean real things
in the hand, stuff we can touch. That's
the comfort of knowing that Life's
being shared with others in the
same form of habit. Misery. Joy.
Integrity. Relief. Or all those
things anyway the same?

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