Wednesday, December 22, 2010


My inauthentic profile graces that coin
in your hand - it was done a long time
back in a town called Reading, at the foot
of a not very big hill. They told me to
look out, and stay still. Along the path
beside me, the sorry miners kept
trudging by. It took about three hours;
the master-craftsman working quite
hard. Behind my head you can see the
line of trees and that hill which they've
turned into a mountain somehow.
I guess it all goes with the storyline :
how I came from nothing, worked hard
and prospered. None of it's true, you
realize; it was just all my money that made
them think so. No one mentions all the
men who have died in my employ, doing the
work I demanded, digging the soil, cutting
the rock. This isn't even my hilltop at all -
they just say I live here, high atop my holdings,
to make more of the story than there really is.
I am a wizard of nothing, a merchant of death,
and a doctor of drudgery for others. For that,
I'm worth a coin? A coin with the face-value of
something like two-seventy-five? I'd like to
think my breath alone was worth that much,
but maybe, as it goes, it's not worth much at all.
My inauthentic profile only goes to show.

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