Thursday, March 5, 2009


Once I awoke, the straight line to the door
was easy. The razor-thin margin of turn and of
error meant nothing to me just then. The die was
already cast - streetlights flickering off, sunrise
approaching on the eastern ledge, and a few candles
still sputtering where they hadn't burnt out from
hours before. I felt liberated and, at the same time, as
enslaved as if my marrow was molten lead.
Hours later, I saw her again - a weak signal from a heart
still strong enough to beat but struggling to maintain.
Ice on the shelf where the fire should be. A few
sparrows pecking at some feeble seed, a timid
squirrel too shy to eat. I knew the feeling myself -
and she'd never even once looked up.
Had I ever the time to re-live this life, I'd do
it all over again - this time with my hands
tied behind my back and my eyes - fixed, gazing -
so sure of nothing else than of staring at Heaven
alone; and nothing less than that would do.
Insurmountable the odds, that I'd
ever be here with you.

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